Parallel Reed-Solomon Error Correction for Spaceborne Mass Memory System 星载高速海量存储系统的并行RS纠错方法
Samsung tonight said it has started mass production of two variants of its30 nanometer NAND flash memory. 三星近日宣布将开始量产两款30nm制程NAND闪存芯片产品。
Under well pressure thermometer uses patch piece A/ D conversion PIC and I2C buss to control, so it realizes micro construction and mass data memory. 井下压力温度计采用贴片式片内集成A/D转换单片机和I2C总线的双线互控寻址技术实现了结构的微型化和大容量数据存储。
Chen Zhiguang male, born in1984, PH.D candidate, Main research direction is Mass data memory and management and computer architecture. 陈志广男,出生于1984年,在读博士,主要研究方向是海量数据存储和管理、体系结构。
You may give free rein to your imaginations when admiring a mass of such colors: pink clouds in the horizon, a vast, open country, a long-gone history, or memory of your last intoxication. 面对这一片片的色彩,你可以把他看成天边的彩霞,也可以把他看成广袤的原野,还可以把他看成沉淀了的历史,更可以把他看成每一次醉酒的印痕。
Applications of NAND Flash in Mass Capacity Memory Technique NANDFlash在大容量存储技术中的应用
System Extension of Mass Data Memory in Chip Microcomputer System 单片机系统中大容量数据存储器的系统扩展
Since the methods lumped of mass, compressed memory and predictor-corrector are used to solve the equations, the questions of memory units and calculation speed are settled quite well. 采用了质量集中、压缩存储的处理方法和预估校正的时间推进算法,较好地解决了有限元计算存储量和计算速度问题。
The problem to increase the capacity of external memory is discussed in this paper, and the conjectures of layered CD MO and mass memory made of self organizing material, are also presented. 本文讨论了增加外存储器容量的问题,提出了分层式磁光盘和利用自组织材料制大容量存储盘的猜想。
The single chip microcomputer mass storage system in low power ullage based on flash memory disk 基于U盘的单片机低功耗海量存储系统
Research of Mass Image Storage Based on Flash Memory 基于闪存的大容量图像存储器的研究
The critical time and safety requirements of onboard Mass Memory make it imperative to apply formal analysis and simulation at the early phase of system design. 星载海量存储器的实时性和安全性要求在系统设计初期进行形式化分析和仿真。
Based on the former research, methods of Mass Concentration and Compressed Memory are used to reduce the needed memory. 在前人研究的基础上,采用了质量集中的处理方法,提出了压缩存储的方法,从而大大减少了计算存储量。
This system consists of mass extension memory, SDRAM, LCD display and UART, etc. 该系统板上资源包括大容量扩展存储器、SDRAM、LCD显示器和UART等。
Simulation of Onboard Mass Memory Based on Time Petri Nets 基于时间Petri网的星载海量存储器动态仿真
In the recent years, the improvement of the microprocessor performance promotes the robot to develop fast, especially the appearance of DSP which has mass memory and high-speed operation makes it possible that a robot can complete the complex speech signal processing and action instruction off line. 近几年来微型处理器性能的提高促进了机器人的迅速发展,特别是大存储量及高速运算DSP处理芯片的出现使机器人在脱机状态下,独立完成复杂的语音信号处理和动作指令成为可能。
As an important channel to construct historical memory, mass media expresses historical memory by three patterns: ( 1) reporting history, constructing history memory as witnesses; 大众传媒作为建构历史记忆的重要渠道,拥有三种表达历史记忆的模式:(1)报道历史,以见证人的身份进行历史记忆;
CONCLUSION: DHEA administration induces loss of body mass and improves learning and memory performances in D-galactose-induced subacute aging rats. 结论:脱氢表雄酮能够降低D-半乳糖所致的亚急性衰老模型大鼠体质量,改善衰老动物学习记忆功能。
This paper pays special attention to the exploration of the mass imagination and construction of oral-ritual narration of the heroic images and deeds of the father and son in Dong nationality so as to trace the shared collective memory of social members. 本文拟将着重探讨口传一仪式叙事的过程中三王父子的英雄形象与其事迹是如何被侗族民众集体想象与建构的,借此追溯社会成员共同分享的、回忆的集体记忆。
The functions of system design of MP3 carried in the car are to play the MP3 audio document on the USB mass memory device and to receive FM stereo. 车载MP3的系统设计具有播放USB海量存储设备上的MP3音频文件及FM立体声收音功能。
In this paper, a big capacity SDRAM matrix and dual-DSPs hardware are studied based on the mass data memory and processing in real time for the weak singal intercept and analysis. 用大容量动态存储器以及双DSP硬件处理系统实现了大量数据缓存和实时信号处理,从而完成了对微弱信号截获的分析。
AIM: To observe the effects of dehydroepiandrosterone ( DHEA) on the body mass and impairments of learning and memory in D-galactose induced subacute mimic aging rats. 目的:观察脱氢表雄酮对D-半乳糖致亚急性衰老模型大鼠体质量和学习记忆损害的影响。
Stressful speech recognition method based on difference subspace integrated with dynamic time warping could be adopted to recognize speech under G-Force which produced when speaker was under different accelerations of gravity, but the method consumed a mass of memory and the training algorithm was very complex. 应力影响下的变异语音(由于说话人受到重力加速度变化而产生)可以用动态时间规正与差别子空间相结合的方法进行识别,但是该方法空间开销很大,而且训练算法极为复杂。
Second, the mass communication promotes the formation of audience memory bank. (二)大众媒介促进受众记忆库的形成受众从外界获得的信息、知识和经验贮存在记忆库中,受众记忆库的形成同样有赖于大众媒介的促进。
As exchange standard, XML is widely used in Distributed System. But when processing large XML file, mass memory and net bandwidth are used up. 作为交换数据的标准,分布式共享数据系统依赖于XML,但是处理大型XML文件会占用大量内存资源和网络传输带宽。
The electronic magazine layout has many characteristics, such as man-machine interaction, and mass memory, many kinds of media integration, reading and hearing integration and so on. 电子杂志版面具有人机交互、海量存储、多种媒体集成、视听一体化等特征。
Because the existing algorithms need to read the training data into memory for one time, but large data sets, and even mass datasets is not possible to be read into memory once. 因为现有的算法在训练时需要将数据一次性读入内存,而大查询量的数据集,甚至海量数据集是不可能一次性读入内存的。
The results show that USB interface can promise a very reliable high-speed data transfer under bulk and control transfer mode, and through transplanting an embedded FAT filesystem, Mass storage device memory was accessed successfully. 结果显示在批量和控制传输两种传输方式下USB接口可以非常可靠的高速的传输数据,并通过移植嵌入式FAT文件系统,成功的实现了对大容量存储设备的访存。
What is more, since there are lots of repeat and unnecessary elements in the discernibility matrix, which not only cost a mass of memory space, but also waste plenty of computer time in feature reduction. 并且,由于差别矩阵中存在大量的重复的和无用的差别元素,而这些重复的和无用的差别元素既占用存储空间,又在计算属性约简时浪费时间。